Terms and conditions

1. We are Intelligent Partnership Limited incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 06442114 whose registered office is at 25 The Island, Thames Ditton, KT7 0SH (“we” “us” “our”).  

2. Our website, “learn.intelligent-partnership.com”, allows financial advisers to access online courses within the alternative investment sector.

3. You are an adviser, wealth manager, paraplanner, accountant or solicitor who wishes to acquire access to our learning courses for the purposes of acquiring a recognised level of knowledge and understanding in the alternative investment sector.

4. This agreement sets out the terms on which we will allow you to access the “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” courses.

5. Your access to “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” will commence on the day you register and create your logon credentials (userID and password). We may terminate your access to “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” at any time if you breach the terms of this Agreement or otherwise.

6. We may amend our fees by giving you one month’s notice in writing, which will be posted on “learn.intelligent-partnership.com”. If you do not want to pay a fee increase you may terminate this Agreement by giving us one month’s notice in writing.

7. You may purchase access to any of the courses we provide for a period of 12 months from the day of purchase. Each course is designed to be completed within three months.

8. You may pay via credit card or via bank transfer. Should you choose to pay via bank transfer, you will receive a confirmation email and an invoice. The invoice is to be paid immediately.  Late payments and non-payments of invoices will incur additional charges (at 10% per month) and could lead to legal proceedings.

9. You will receive a certificate on the successful completion of your course.  The certificate is valid for 12 months from the completion date.

10. Certificates can be refreshed for a further 12 months by successfully completing additional modules to ensure currency of data, HMRC legislation and FCA regulation etc. Access to additional modules will be provided on payment of our fees.

11. You must keep your login credentials for “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” secret and confidential. We will not be liable for misuse of your login credentials unless we have caused them to become public. You indemnify us against all loss, cost, charges (including legal fees) and damage we suffer if you allow any third party to use your login credentials to access “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” and they use chargeable services.

12. You will ensure that you and your employees, contractors and agents do not use “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” for any purpose other than those identified in this Agreement. In particular, you will ensure you and they do not enter any information for any purpose contrary to law and/or regulation which includes but is not limited to uploading viruses, interfering with users or other persons using “learn.intelligent-partnership.com”, ensuring they do not enter pornographic, racist or comments that incite religious hatred or violence into “learn.intelligent-partnership.com”.

13. You are not permitted to copy or reproduce any materials or content from “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” without our express written permission. You must not “scrape” content from our website. You must not download content from “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” for redisplay to the public.

14. We will provide “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” and any additional services to you with reasonable care and skill. If we cannot perform services by the date we agree with you, we will arrange a new date and time for delivery.

15. We try to provide “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” continuously but there may be times when it is unavailable for planned and unplanned maintenance and service.

16. Neither you nor we exclude or limit liability to the other for:

a) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

b) death or personal injury caused by negligence;

c) a breach of any obligations implied by section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 or section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982; or

d) any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for the parties to exclude liability for respectively.

17. Subject to clause 16, we shall not in any circumstances be liable whether in contract (by way of indemnity or otherwise), tort (including for negligence and breach of statutory duty howsoever arising), misrepresentation (whether innocent or negligent), restitution or otherwise, for:

a) any consequential or indirect loss or damage; nor

b) loss of profits, business, business opportunities, revenue, turnover, reputation, goodwill, loss or corruption of data or information, anticipated savings or wasted expenditure (including management time) (all however so arising); nor

c) any loss or liability (whether direct or indirect) under or in relation to any other contract.

18. Subject to clause 16, our total aggregate liability in contract (by way of indemnity or otherwise), tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty howsoever arising), misrepresentation (whether innocent or negligent), restitution or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of this Agreement or any collateral contract shall in all circumstances be limited to £100.

19. You indemnify us and will hold us harmless against any and all costs (including legal costs), damages, expense, losses and liabilities arising from allegations or actions that result from us providing services to you and the reliance users make in respect of the “learn.intelligent-partnership.com” learning.

20. A person who is not a party to this Agreement may not enforce any of its terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third parties) Act 1999.

21. You may not assign any of the rights you have under this Agreement or this Agreement itself.

22. The exclusions and limitations in this Agreement apply only to the extent that they are permitted by law.

23. This Agreement, privacy policy and cookie policy constitutes the whole and entire agreement between you and us.

24. The Agreement is governed by the laws and England and Wales and you and we both submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts in respect of all disputes that arise between you and us.